Mobile Development
Put your business in the palm of their hands

Any site done by Olsen Consultants is going to be done using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and JQuery to ensure that your site looks great regardless of whether the user is on their computer, tablet or phone. As an example, view this site from your phone or tablet.

Depending on the needs of your business we will help you determine if you need a native mobile app (an app that is installed using your phone's app store) or a mobile web site. Whichever course you decide to take, we will ensure it is done right.

The benefits of a native phone app:

  • Native apps provide unrivalled performance and give access to native features and hardware features of smartphones and tablets (camera, push notifications, contacts, phone, etc.)
  • As part of the user experience, they offer feature-rich interactivity with all of its emotional triggers – providing a sense of immediacy, urgency, and intimacy.
  • Data can be stored locally on the devices, which allows the use of native apps in offline mode.

The benefits of a mobile web site:

  • Mobile web applications can go live faster than native apps: they exploit the existing code of a web app.
  • Mobile web solutions usually cost less. The existing web application is usually adapted with the help of HTML5 and CSS3 for different form factors.
  • Mobile web designs don't have a steep learning curve, since the primary principle is “multiple devices – one code base”.

As with all of our projects, your mobile solution starts with planning. Our consultants will help you identify and document your business objectives. We then do detailed discovery to clearly document your current environment and the gaps between where you are and where you want to go. From there it is usually very clear what the ideal solution entails and we set about implementing it.


As with any IT solution created by Olsen Consultants, your mobile app will come with a powerful administrative console. You will see real-time analytics giving application owners valuable insight into how mobile users are accessing their applications and how this usage is trending over time. Statistics are comprehensive and include data for all types of requests, including those for Web Services.

You will see metrics for:

  • Mobile vs. desktop access percentages
  • Mobile OS distribution
  • Request per seconds from mobile devices
  • Processing breakdown for mobile requests – what portion of each request’s elapsed time came from server execution, disk access, database access, or network latency

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